Monday, August 11, 2008

We are moving forward with IVF. I have my IVF consult this Wednesday, the genetic consult next Thursday and the nurse consult the following Thursday. The hysteroscopy is now scheduled for Sept. 3 and our plan is to start as soon as we get the go ahead from the doctor. I am having mixed emotions. It is a financial commitment that we've had to make since our insurance does not cover it. It is difficult to know we are spending thousands of dollars without a guarantee but I know if I look back I don't want to have any regrets and think that I did not give this my all. I've had to ask myself if I am mentally prepared if it doesn't work and part of me feels I am but there is still that unknown. It will be devastating but each month that goes by that I'm not pregnant is devastating. IVF will give them a better idea of the quality of my eggs and may fill in that missing piece. The past 5 years have been a roller coaster ride, from anger to grief each month, wondering why. It's like a loss month after month when it doesn't happen. The let down doesn't get any easier. It's hard to see friends having their second and third child and we can't have one. It's hard being asked, "When are you having kids" or being asked why we don't want kids and hearing people say, "We weren't even trying". Personally I need to know that I did try and gave it my all. I want to give my body the best chance especially since this may be our only try and the investment we are making is big. I want to decrease the stress I am feeling. I may take a couple of weeks off and go from there. Please keep us in your prayers and send baby dust our way!!

1 comment:

Megala said...

I'm sending baby dust and praying to the fertility gods for you my dear. Hang in there; you are stronger than you know!! Let me know if you need anything; a hug, some chocolate, someone to listen. :)