Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm officially 19 weeks today and half way through. I had my third prenatal appointment on Thursday night and all went well. The heartbeat is 156 and my blood pressure is normal. My only concern is the weight gain but I'm starting to walk again which I had put on hold for the past 3-4 months and I realize I need to watch my diet. The dr. wasn't concerned but I know that the more I put on, the more I have to take off!
The nausea has subsided. I do have some moments of it but it seems to come on more when I haven't had anything to eat. I'm trying to adjust to all the changes my body is now going through. We finally bought a humidifier so I'm not as congested at night as I had been and not waking up with bloody noses every morning. My growing belly is taking some getting used to. I guess some women feel comfortable in their skin while others don't. I'm not feeling so comfortable right now. I'm not used to being this weight but I know it's worth it in the end. I feel bloated and puffy all over and my love of salty foods I know isn't helping my cause! I've started experiencing leg cramps at night, almost like a Charlie Horse but higher up on my leg. I'm sleeping a little better but still feeling tired throughout the day. Other than that it really has been somewhat of a smooth pregnancy symptomwise.
We go on Thursday afternoon for my next ultrasound and hope to find out what we are having. The census is a girl although my father-in-law claims it is a boy and says he is never wrong. I'm so anxious and excited and hope all looks well!

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