Monday, June 8, 2009

Less than a week! How crazy!

So my due date is less than a week away. I'm having a flood of different emotions. Nerves are kicking in more but so is the excitement. In a way it is bittersweet. Part of me realizes that this could potentially be my only pregnancy and I am just so grateful that I was able to experience this. I'm so shocked at how many people are asking when we will try again and that we can't just "have an only child". I guess some family and friends don't remember that it took almost 6 years to get to this point. My concern is getting him here safe and healthy...not about having another child! My heart breaks for my friends who continue to struggle with infertility. It is just so unfair that they are struggling when so many others do not and so many others take for granted being pregnant without even "trying". If they only knew how blessed they truly were....what is hard as well is without the support of these friends I wouldn't be where I am today. They stuck by me and helped me up when times were so hard. I can't even find the words to say thank you...they know who they are....thank you, thank you, thank you.
Right now I'm just waiting. Waiting for him to make his appearance. My appt. last week didn't show much progress and I go again this Wednesday. I guess when he is ready he'll let me know! I feel good overall. Still a little swollen but if that is the worst of it I'll take it. Sleeping is what it comfortable way but a little sleep is better than none! Plus, it is preparing me for the feedings every 2 hours.
Hopefully the next time I write he'll be here. Just praying all goes well, he is ok and I'm ok. Guess that is all I can ask for at this point! Stay tuned!!

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