Sunday, November 29, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Wow, I can't believe it's been 5 months since Gavin was born. The time is going by so quickly and I wish I could slow it down. The little man amazes me each and every day and I am so in love. He makes me smile all the time. I am loving motherhood. It has been the hardest, most challenging and most rewarding job I have ever had and I cannot imagine going through life not experiencing this.
He is a healthy boy weighing in now at around 22 pounds and 26+ inches long. I am amazed at how many strangers would come up to me, ask his age and proceed to tell me how huge he is. I'm getting better at not letting their comments get to me and realize that he is a healthy, big boy. He has consistently been in the 95th percentile or higher for weight and length even when he was born. His drs. aren't concerned since he has consistently been in that percentile. I was worried that his size would delay his reaching certain milestones. While he is not too interested in rolling over he is now sitting up on his own, pushing up, talking up a storm and in general is a very happy go lucky little guy. He is always smiling and for the most part not a big crier (although as I sit and type this he has woken up twice already from going down for bed which is a rarity and is crying). He is cutting 2 teeth (which could explain his waking up and fussines). He is definitely finding his voice. He loves screaming at the top of his lungs and then laughing. He screams and talks so much during the day that he is now wearing himself out. We recently started him on rice cereal which he is loving. The drs. recommended waiting until 6 months to start solids because they believe there is a lesser chance of developing allergies. So we started at 5 months and are going to slowly introduce new foods. He loves being outside in the fresh air and up until the weather got colder we would take daily walks. He unfortunately has outgrown his infant seat which most babies fit in up until at least 9 months so we had to buy a new carseat. I loved being able to pop the seat out with him in it and carry it so this will be an adjustment having to actually take him out now. It's going to suck more when he has fallen asleep especially now that the weather is colder.
I am looking forward to watching him grow and mature into a little boy. I wish I could freeze time some days. I love watching him with Eric and wish they had more time together. He has brought more joy into my life than I thought possible and I truly feel life is complete. I would take this journey all over again just to wake up to his smiles every morning.

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